Promoting Independence: The Vital Role of Occupational Therapists in Parkinson’s Disease Care

Occupational therapists play a crucial role in supporting individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) as they navigate daily tasks amidst the progression of the condition. Their expertise lies in evaluating and planning activities vital for the well-being and independence of PD patients.

Key areas of assistance include:

  • mobility enhancement,
  • fall prevention strategies,
  • sit-to-stand transfers,
  • bed mobility techniques,
  • posture and seating adjustments,
  • eating and drinking recommendations,
  • self-care routines optimization,
  • domestic skill facilitation,
  • fatigue management strategies,
  • handwriting improvement techniques,
  • and support with maintaining social roles and relationships.

Additionally, occupational therapists serve as liaisons between patients and workplaces, and aid in social, recreational, and leisure activities.



Talk to us to learn how occupational therapy could help you, your loved one or your patients.

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